What is Massage Therapy?
The Science bit - What is it and what are the benefits?
It is so much more than relaxation on a spa day or Ridding a painful knot. Your massage therapist is  some one who is qualified and skilled in treating and healing by manipulating the muscles and tissues of the body

What to Expect
Before, during and after your massage
It is to be expected that some of you will be nervous before your first massage.  You might feel anxious or apprehensive. You might want to as questions like "what do I wear? "What type of massage do I need?.."What's the difference between Swedish and Deep Tissue?..You can ask me any of these questions, you won't be the first so don't worry...This is all expected and perfectly normal. In the mean time if you want to know what to expect before, during and after your massage, hopefully this will help.